Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Journey Begins...

Today was the first step towards making a child (or children!) a part of our "Forever Family".  I have had this stirring in my heart for about a year concerning adoption and what our role in it was.  I would read books about families (author/blogger, Jen Hatmaker) adopting, families in our church were adopting, and a whole month at church was spent teaching the biblical command of taking care of the orphans.

So, here I am over a year since my first "stirring" wondering am I ready to get involved with this, and how?  Was I to continue sponsoring children with my monthly giving? Was I to just support families who were adopting? Were WE supposed to start our adoption journey? 

I dropped the bomb, as my husband calls it, a few weekends ago. We were eating lunch on a belated anniversary trip, when I bluntly asked, "How do you want to grow our family?" He stopped eating and gave me that "what did you just say?" look. He sat there for a minute (or two) and then said, "Where is this coming from?"  For the next few minutes I opened my heart to him and trying to put into words what my heart has been feeling and wrestling with over the last few months.

Thankfully, my husband did not tell me I was crazy (though he probably thought it) and was willing to at least talk about it and even chat with friends.  I am so blessed to have friends that were ready and willing to sit down and talk with us about what to expect, where to start, and most importantly...offering their support and encouragement.   We met with them this past week and has led to more conversations about adoption between Allan and I.

He asked me today if I had even started looking at anything to which I replied, "Well, I was waiting for you."  I took that as permission to dive in and at least start requesting information from different agencies.  So I spent time during my son's nap time to Google, text my friend, and push the submit button on several different preliminary applications.

As I searched, read, searched, read...I got teary, anxious and excited about the potential of God giving us a child to take care of and love forever.
I came across a quote from Mother Teresa that I fell in love with. She says,  

"Do you want to do something beautiful for God? 
There is a person who needs you. 
This is your chance."

I love that quote. That's what we want to do. Someone needs US. We want to obey God's command to "take care of the least" and give children a chance in this world.

And so it begins...our adoption journey.

With love,